
Fashion is how people express themselves through customs, speech, clothing, or other. It is a form of self-expression. The word ‘Fashion’ is from the French word ‘mode’ as of 1482. Everything under fashion is available and popularized by the media and industry. According to a poem by Guillaume de Lorris in the 13th century, he is advising men that wearing handsome clothes and grooming can improve a great deal. This bought out the idea of grooming oneself to make them more attractive.

History of Fashion

In the Roman Era, clothes were considered a status symbol. In Ancient Egypt, Egyptians made clothes out of linen which was light wear. Middle Ages distinguishing between rich and poor were made with the difference in the design of dresses. In the early 18th century, Spain introduced sophisticated dressing. Fashion influences by Asians became highly significant in the markets locally and globally.


Fashion trends are followed worldwide; they can be a look or expression at a specific time or place. Several factors influence fashion trends. Social Influence plays a significant role in it. It is not only for aesthetics but also as a medium to express and create. There are a lot of platforms where fashion has been described, social media being the top. MET Gala, Manhattan, is also a massive platform for stylists and celebrities to be celebrated. Economic, political, and technological influence also plays a vast role.



Fashion Journalism is an integral part of fashion. Fashion Blogging and YouTube has been a platform for many to spreading trends and tips and create a culture. Advertisements also help publish and promote sales and deliver the audience information. Found in the United States in 1892, Vogue has been the most successful and long-running fashion magazine. Some numerous films and shows are subject to fashion.

Develop Your Own Style

Till you find a style that suits you and boosts your self-esteem, don’t be scared to try on various outfits. Also, be consistent with your sense of style when you finally figure it out.

Fashion is a daily life staple. For as long as time can tell, it has played an enormous role in the world. In each era of life, fashion is evolving and changing. In this era of development, there is a fear of the similarity of fashion, where little to no new ideas are born. In the 21st century, fashion lies in between marketplace investments and creativity. More than styling, fashion has become a daily necessity for everyone.